Delighted to share the following article from the Gateshead Council website. Positive About Inclusion would like to thank all of the staff at Business Gateshead and the North East BIC for their guidance and support.
Positive future for new Gateshead business
The pandemic has inspired a new wave of social entrepreneurs and Karen Faulkner and Lucy Malarkey are no exception. Together they launched Positive About Inclusion, a social enterprise based in Gateshead who offer a range of bespoke consultancy services for organisations looking to enhance their workplace inclusivity.
Following redundancy the co-founders started their new business with the support of Business Gateshead and the North East BIC. Karen said: “Being made redundant was a shock but every cloud has a silver lining and it gave Lucy and I the opportunity to do something we have dreamt of doing for so long and the support we received from Business Gateshead and the North East BIC was invaluable.
“Covid has been hard for so many, redundancy wasn’t easy and it was important for us to build something positive and take control of our destiny. We firmly believe that workplace inclusivity is more important now than ever. Businesses must ensure their employees feel included and valued, this is critical when so many are working remotely and juggling this with caring responsibilities.”
The pair decided that becoming a not-for profit social enterprise was the right vehicle for their company because it demonstrates their personal commitment to the diversity and inclusion agenda.
Councillor Malcolm Brain, cabinet member for the economy said: “This year has been one of unprecedented economic misery, especially for those who work in the hospitality and retail sectors. But for some it provided a jolt. Starting a business has been a way to take back a measure of control – and provide a sense of hope.
“Start-ups and those running a business can access 1:1 local adviser support and online resources to tackle their business challenges by getting in touch with Business Gateshead. Our Working Gateshead team can help anyone who is worried about or facing redundancy.
I wish Karen and Lucy all the best in their new venture.”