EDI in Social Housing – Our Sector Research

10 December 2021
Positive About Inclusion. Diversity and Inclusion consultancy imagend inclusion consultancy

We are delighted to share a summary of our recent EDI research results which focussed exclusively on the social housing sector.

The purpose of the research was to understand the drivers that have motivated housing organisations to make progress in embedding equality, diversity and inclusion and to also establish what housing professionals believe will help their organisation to take the next step to achieving inclusivity for all. We heard from nearly 100 housing professionals from a broad range of organisations in terms of size, structure and geography.

Research Results Infographic

There are three key themes emerging from the results of this social housing EDI research:

  1. Inclusion is everyone’s business
  2. Keeping up with the pace of change
  3. One size doesnt fit all

Inclusion is everyone’s business

Respondents told us that to have the most positive impact the responsibility cannot rest with one group alone, neither colleagues nor the senior team. Effectively embedding EDI requires everyone to play their part.

“It relies too heavily on work by colleagues volunteering their time to sit on EDI groups to implement and action the plans.”

Respondent working in policy/governance

Furthermore, respondents told us that whilst senior leadership commitment is critical for sucess what is also required is colleague awareness and understanding to drive the agenda across the business. Creating an inclusive environment is a team effort rather than an individual endeavour. In effect what is required is…

“…a strong EDI culture rather than just policy/procedure.”

Respondent working HR/L&D

Keeping up with the pace of change

Respondents said that without doubt the heightened media coverage of EDI stories and issues had created an environment for open discussion and courageous conversations. For some a combination of factors has enabled them to reach this point on their inclusivity journey with one respondent noting:

“I would say it’s a mixture of media coverage and colleague/staff network group expectations. We have used media examples as a way of driving the internal discussions.”

Respondent working on the front line of housing operations

One size doesn’t fit all

Whilst the respondents represent a broad spectrum of housing organisations what they all share is their uniqueness! One solution doesn’t solve every problem and knowing your starting position helps you to reach the place that’s right for you.

“A diagnostic of our current position would help to facilitate a strong EDI strategy and policy.”

Respondent working in policy/governance

“Identifying what will work for us rather than swaying with the many and various push and pull initiatives.”

Respondent working at a senior leadership level

For further information please contact us.

Ready to learn more?

With over 50 years of combined experience, we’re the right choice to start you on your inclusion journey.

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