We are so pleased to be supporting our friends at Tpas England during #ScrutinyWeek (27th September – 1st October) by delivering a workshop called ‘Great Minds Think Alike?’. This interactive session is all about diversity in scrutiny. The workshop will explore the concept of diversity and the common saying of ‘great minds think alike’ and ask if that is something we should celebrate in the context of scrutiny or does effective scrutiny need the challenge that different views and perspectives bring?
And, if this is the case then:
★ How can we actively recruit for diversity?
★ How can we practically work together in a group to appreciate and value differences?
★ How do we create the inclusive atmosphere in that group that creates the sense of belonging in which different viewpoints and opinions are respected and valued?
In the workshop we will be exploring these issues, looking at the concept of groupthink, discussing what we mean by diversity, the value it can bring and considering how we can recruit for diversity. As well as actively recruiting, we will also be discussing how a group who may not have the opportunity to enlist new members can still put equality and diversity considerations at the heart of their decision making – by making use of diversity reflection tools in their practice and processes.
You can hear from our Directors Lucy Malarkey (She/Her) and Karen Faulkner (she/her) in their workshop ‘Great Minds Think Alike?’ on Tuesday 28th September at 1:30pm.