Scottish Federation of Housing Associations – EDI Workshops

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"Thank you both for a fabulous session this morning.  I personally have taken away a lot of food for thought..."

Positive About Inclusion was commissioned by the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA) to design and deliver two in-person EDI workshops to their full team of staff at their Glasgow HQ.

The first workshop was designed to ‘set the scene’, providing the foundational context of what EDI is and why it matters in the social housing sector and beyond. This allowed participants to refresh their understanding, ensuring that everyone was on the same page from the outset. A number of activities, including one focussed on language allowed attendees to explore this critical area, sharing personal stories and gaining invaluable insight and skills.

The second workshop, delivered a number of weeks after the first to allow for a period of self-reflection and consideration, focussed on the outputs from a road mapping activity in the first workshop. This had identified the current position for SFHA and what the future approach to EDI should be to ensure added value, both internally for SFHA colleagues and externally for their members. This resulted in the co-creation of an EDI Delivery Plan with tangible, prioritised actions and key areas of responsibility identified.

“Thank you both for a fabulous session this morning.  I personally have taken away a lot of food for thought…”

Workshop Attendee

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