Hyde Housing – Customer Voice EDI workshops

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I found the two sessions very informative, it has made me think about what inclusion/diversity actually means today.  Both trainers were very good, knowledgeable and they were both interesting to listen to.

Hyde Housing asked Positive About Inclusion to deliver EDI training for their Customer Voice group of residents. The request was to deliver training in two parts, over two weeks and to be delivered in the evening to maximise opportunities for attendance.

The training covered the foundations, the legislative context, the societal, sector and Hyde Housing context alongside the key skills and behaviours that we can all adopt as individuals and a collective to progress equality, diversity and inclusion. It was really well received….

I found the two sessions very informative, it has made me think about what inclusion/diversity actually means today.  Both trainers were very good, knowledgeable and they were both interesting to listen to.

Workshop Participant

Well-presented course, and being over two weeks, gave me time to think about the issues between the sessions. 

Workshop Participant

The course split over two sessions worked very well. The structure, as well as content, prevented it from becoming an emotional free-for-all. It was a reminder that practical steps need to be taken to allow anyone who can make a positive impact, be given the opportunity to be a member of our Group.

Workshop Participant

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